Kora облачно ориентированный серверный фреймворк написанный на Java для написания Java / Kotlin приложений с упором на производительность, эффективность, прозрачность сделанный разработчиками Т-Банк / Тинькофф

Kora is a cloud-oriented server-side Java framework for writing Java / Kotlin applications with a focus on performance, efficiency and transparency made by T-Bank / Tinkoff developers

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Module provides a repository implementation based on the JDBC database protocol and using Hikari for connection set management.


Dependency build.gradle:

implementation "ru.tinkoff.kora:database-jdbc"


public interface Application extends JdbcDatabaseModule { }

Dependency build.gradle.kts:



interface Application : JdbcDatabaseModule

Also required to provide the database driver implementation as a dependency.


Example of the complete configuration described in the JdbcDatabaseConfig class (default or example values are specified):

db {
    jdbcUrl = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres" //(1)!
    username = "postgres" //(2)!
    password = "postgres" //(3)!
    schema = "public" //(4)!
    poolName = "kora" //(5)!
    maxPoolSize = 10 //(6)!
    minIdle = 0 //(7)!
    connectionTimeout = "10s" //(8)!
    validationTimeout = "5s" //(9)!
    idleTimeout = "10m" //(10)!
    maxLifetime = "15m" //(11)!
    leakDetectionThreshold = "0s" //(12)!
    initializationFailTimeout = "0s" //(13)!
    readinessProbe = false //(14)!
    dsProperties { //(15)!
        "hostRecheckSeconds": "2" 
    telemetry {
        logging {
            enabled = false //(16)!
        metrics {
            enabled = true //(17)!
            slo = [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ] //(18)!
        tracing {
            enabled = true //(19)!
  1. JDBC database connection URL (required)
  2. Username to connect (required)
  3. Password of the user to connect (required)
  4. Database schema for the connection
  5. Name of the database connection set in Hikari (required)
  6. Maximum size of the database connection set in Hikari
  7. Minimum size of the set of ready connections to the database in Hikari in standby mode
  8. Maximum time to establish a connection in Hikari
  9. Maximum time for connection verification in Hikari
  10. Maximum time for connection downtime in Hikari
  11. Maximum lifetime of a connection in Hikari
  12. Maximum time a connection can be idle in Hikari before it is considered a leak (optional)
  13. Maximum time to wait for connection initialization at service startup (optional)
  14. Whether to enable probes.md#_2 for database connection
  15. Additional JDBC connection attributes dataSourceProperties (below example hostRecheckSeconds parameters) (optional)
  16. Enables module logging (default false)
  17. Enables module metrics (default true)
  18. Configures SLO for DistributionSummary metrics
  19. Enables module tracing (default true)
  jdbcUrl: "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres" #(1)!
  username: "postgres" #(2)!
  password: "postgres" #(3)!
  schema: "public" #(4)!
  poolName: "kora" #(5)!
  maxPoolSize: 10 #(6)!
  minIdle: 0 #(7)!
  connectionTimeout: "10s" #(8)!
  validationTimeout: "5s" #(9)!
  idleTimeout: "10m" #(10)!
  maxLifetime: "15m" #(11)!
  leakDetectionThreshold: "0s" #(12)!
  initializationFailTimeout: "0s" //(13)!
  readinessProbe: false //(14)!
  dsProperties: #(15)!
    hostRecheckSeconds: "1"  
      enabled: false #(16)!
      enabled: true #(17)!
      slo: [ 2, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ] #(18)!
      enabled: true #(19)!
  1. JDBC database connection URL (required)
  2. Username to connect (required)
  3. Password of the user to connect (required)
  4. Database schema for the connection
  5. Name of the database connection set in Hikari (required)
  6. Maximum size of the database connection set in Hikari
  7. Minimum size of the set of ready connections to the database in Hikari in standby mode
  8. Maximum time to establish a connection in Hikari
  9. Maximum time for connection verification in Hikari
  10. Maximum time for connection downtime in Hikari
  11. Maximum lifetime of a connection in Hikari
  12. Maximum time a connection can be idle in Hikari before it is considered a leak (optional)
  13. Maximum time to wait for connection initialization at service startup (optional)
  14. Whether to enable probes.md#_2 for database connection
  15. Additional JDBC connection attributes dataSourceProperties (below example hostRecheckSeconds parameters) (optional)
  16. Enables module logging (default false)
  17. Enables module metrics (default true)
  18. Configures SLO for DistributionSummary metrics
  19. Enables module tracing (default true)


public interface EntityRepository extends JdbcRepository { }
interface EntityRepository : JdbcRepository


It is possible to override the conversion of different parts of entity and query parameters, Kora provides special interfaces for this.


If you need to convert the result manually, it is suggested to use JdbcResultSetMapper:

final class ResultMapper implements JdbcResultSetMapper<UUID> {

    public UUID apply(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        // mapping code

public interface EntityRepository extends JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    List<UUID> getIds();

In Kotlin, you only need to write mappers for T? types, so the type is specified as @Nullable in the interfaces.

class ResultMapper : JdbcResultSetMapper<Long> {

    override fun apply(rs: ResultSet): UUID {
        // mapping code

interface EntityRepository : JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    fun countIds(): List<UUID>


Optimal entity mapping intend to use with @EntityJdbc annotation for result converter generation.

All embedded entities also should use this annotation:

Public record Entity(String id, String name) {}
Data class Entity(val id: String, val name: String)


If you need to convert the string manually, it is suggested to use JdbcRowMapper:

final class RowMapper implements JdbcRowMapper<UUID> {

    public UUID apply(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        return UUID.fromString(rs.getString(0));

public interface EntityRepository extends JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    List<UUID> findAll();

In Kotlin, you only need to write mappers for T? types, so the type is specified as @Nullable in the interfaces.

class RowMapper : JdbcRowMapper<UUID> {

    override fun apply(rs: ResultSet): UUID {
        return UUID.fromString(rs.getString(0))

interface EntityRepository : JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    fun findAll(): List<UUID>


If you need to convert the column value manually, it is suggested to use the JdbcResultColumnMapper:

public final class ColumnMapper implements JdbcResultColumnMapper<UUID> {

    public UUID apply(ResultSet row, int index) throws SQLException {
        return UUID.fromString(row.getString(index));

public record Entity(@Mapping(ColumnMapper.class) @Id UUID id, String name) { }

public interface EntityRepository extends JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities")
    List<Entity> findAll();

In Kotlin, you only need to write mappers for T? types, so the type is specified as @Nullable in the interfaces.

class ColumnMapper : JdbcResultColumnMapper<UUID> {

    override fun apply(row: ResultSet, index: Int): UUID {
        return UUID.fromString(row.getString(index))

data class Entity(
    @Id @Mapping(ColumnMapper::class) val id: UUID,
    val name: String

interface EntityRepository : JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities")
    fun findAll(): List<Entity>


If you want to convert the value of a query parameter manually, it is suggested to use JdbcParameterColumnMapper:

public final class ParameterMapper implements JdbcParameterColumnMapper<UUID> {

    public void set(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, @Nullable UUID value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            stmt.setString(index, value.toString());

public interface EntityRepository extends JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities WHERE id = :id")
    List<Entity> findById(@Mapping(ParameterMapper.class) UUID id);

In Kotlin, you only need to write mappers for T? types, so the type is specified as @Nullable in the interfaces.

class ParameterMapper : JdbcParameterColumnMapper<UUID?> {

    override fun set(stmt: PreparedStatement, index: Int, value: UUID?) {
        if (value != null) {
            stmt.setString(index, value.toString())

interface EntityRepository : JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities WHERE id = :id")
    fun findById(@Mapping(ParameterMapper::class) id: UUID): List<Entity>

Supported types

List of supported types for arguments/return values out of the box

These types are chosen because they are supported by most popular databases.

  • void
  • boolean / Boolean
  • short / Short
  • int / Integer
  • long / Long
  • double / Double
  • float / Float
  • byte[]
  • String
  • BigDecimal
  • UUID
  • LocalDate
  • LocalTime
  • LocalDateTime
  • OffsetTime
  • OffsetDateTime

Select by list

Sometimes a list of values from the database needs to be fetched, all these parameters must be set separately at the driver level, as the length of the list is not known this is not the most obvious task as Kora tries to do all conversions at compile time and remove any string conversions especially in SQL at runtime, such functionality would require adding a separate parameter converter.

What is certain at this point is that it is easy to add support for such parameters without manual connection factory for popular databases like Postgres/Oracle. Out of the box Kora does not provide conversion of such parameters, but it is easy to add it yourself, an example for Postgres is shown below:

class ListOfStringJdbcParameterMapper implements JdbcParameterColumnMapper<List<String>> {

    public void set(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, List<String> value) throws SQLException {
        String[] typedArray = value.toArray(String[]::new);
        Array sqlArray = stmt.getConnection().createArrayOf("VARCHAR", typedArray);
        stmt.setArray(index, sqlArray);

public interface EntityRepository extends JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities WHERE id = ANY(:ids)")
    List<Entity> findAllByIds(@Mapping(ListOfStringJdbcParameterMapper.class) List<String> ids);
class ListOfStringJdbcParameterMapper : JdbcParameterColumnMapper<List<String>> {

    override fun set(stmt: PreparedStatement, index: Int, value: List<String>) {
        val typedArray = value.toTypedArray()
        val sqlArray = stmt.connection.createArrayOf("VARCHAR", typedArray)
        stmt.setArray(index, sqlArray)

interface EntityRepository : JdbcRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities WHERE id = ANY(:ids)")
    fun findAllByIds(@Mapping(ListOfStringJdbcParameterMapper::class) ids: List<String>): List<Entity>

Generated identifier

If you want to get the primary keys of an entity created by the database as the result, it is suggested to use the @Id annotation over a method where the return value type is identifiers. This approach works for @Batch queries as well.

public interface EntityRepository extends JdbcRepository {

    public record Entity(Long id, String name) {}

    @Query("INSERT INTO entities(name) VALUES (:entity.name)")
    long insert(Entity entity);
interface EntityRepository : JdbcRepository {

    public record Entity(Long id, String name) {}

    @Query("INSERT INTO entities(name) VALUES (:entity.name)")
    fun insert(entity: Entity): Long


In order to execute blocking queries, Kora has a JdbcConnectionFactory interface, which is provided in a method within the JdbcRepository contract. All repository methods called within a transaction lambda will be executed in that transaction.

In order to execute queries transactionally, the inTx contract can be used:

public final class SomeService {

    private final EntityRepository repository;

    public SomeService(EntityRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

    public List<Entity> saveAll(Entity one, Entity two) {
        return repository.getJdbcConnectionFactory().inTx(() -> {
            repository.insert(one); //(1)!
            // do some work
            repository.insert(two); //(2)!
            return List.of(one, two);
  1. will be executed within the transaction or rolled back if the entire lambda throws an exception
  2. will be executed within the transaction or rolled back if the entire lambda throws an exception
class SomeService(private val repository: EntityRepository) {

    fun saveAll(one: List<Entity>, two: List<Entity>): List<Entity> {
        return repository.jdbcConnectionFactory.inTx(SqlFunction1 {
            repository.insert(one) //(1)!
            // do some work
            repository.insert(two) //(2)!
            one + two
  1. will be executed within the transaction or rolled back if the entire lambda throws an exception
  2. will be executed within the transaction or rolled back if the entire lambda throws an exception

The isolation level is taken from the dsProperties configuration of the Hikari pool, or you can change it yourself via java.sql.Connection before executing queries.



If you need some more complex logic for a query and @Query is not enough, you can use java.sql.Connection:

public final class SomeService {

    private final EntityRepository repository;

    public SomeService(EntityRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

    public List<Entity> saveAll(Entity one, Entity two) {
        return repository.getJdbcConnectionFactory().inTx(connection -> {
            // do some work
            return List.of(one, two);
class SomeService(private val repository: EntityRepository) {

    fun saveAll(one: Entity, two: Entity): List<Entity> {
        return repository.jdbcConnectionFactory.inTx(SqlFunction1 { connection: Connection ->
            // do some work
            listOf(one, two)


Available signatures for repository methods out of the box:

The T refers to the type of the return value, either List<T>, either Void or UpdateCount.

By T we mean the type of the return value, either T?, either List<T>, either Unit or UpdateCount.