Kora облачно ориентированный серверный фреймворк написанный на Java для написания Java / Kotlin приложений с упором на производительность, эффективность, прозрачность сделанный разработчиками Т-Банк / Тинькофф

Kora is a cloud-oriented server-side Java framework for writing Java / Kotlin applications with a focus on performance, efficiency and transparency made by T-Bank / Tinkoff developers

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Module provides a repository implementation for the Cassandra database using the DataStax driver.


Dependency build.gradle:

implementation "ru.tinkoff.kora:database-cassandra"


public interface Application extends CassandraDatabaseModule { }

Dependency build.gradle.kts:



interface Application : CassandraDatabaseModule


Example of a simple configuration described in CassandraConfig class (example values are indicated):

cassandra {
    basic {
        contactPoints = "," //(1)!
        dc = "datacenter1"  //(2)!
        sessionKeyspace = "test-db" //(3)!
        request { 
            timeout = "5s" //(4)!
    auth {
        login = "username" //(5)!
        password = "password" //(6)! 
  1. Cassandra node addresses for connection to the database (required)
  2. Cassandra datacenter name (optional)
  3. Name of keyspace for connection (optional)
  4. Query execution timeout (optional)
  5. Username for connection (optional)
  6. Password for connection (optional)
    contactPoints: "," #(1)!
    dc: "datacenter1" #(2)!
    sessionKeyspace: "test-db" #(3)!
      timeout: "5s" #(4)!
    login: "username" #(5)!
    password: "password" #(6)!
  1. Cassandra node addresses for connection to the database (required)
  2. Cassandra datacenter name (optional)
  3. Name of keyspace for connection (optional)
  4. Query execution timeout (optional)
  5. Username for connection (optional)
  6. Password for connection (optional)
Full configuration example

Full configuration with example values (configuration is in CassandraConfig class):

cassandra {
    auth {
        login = "username" 
        password = "password" 

    basic {
        contactPoints = [ "", "" ]  // Nod cassandra hosts
        sessionName = "some-session-name"                       // session name
        dc = "datacenter1"                                      // Datacenter Name
        sessionKeyspace = "test-db"                             // The name of the keyspace for this session

        loadBalancingPolicy.slowReplicaAvoidance = true                     // Flag to enable the slow cue avoidance mechanism
        cloud.secureConnectBundle = "/location/of/secure/connect/bundle"    // Bandle locations to connect to Datastax Apache Cassandra. The path must be a valid URL. By default, if no protocol is specified, it will be assumed to be file://
        request {                               // Request settings
            timeout = "5s"                      // request timeout
            consistency = "LOCAL_ONE"           // consistency level, permissible values: ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, SERIAL, LOCAL_SERIAL, LOCAL_ONE
            pageSize = 5000                     // Page size limit (determines how many lines can be returned in a single request)
            serialConsistency = "LOCAL_SERIAL"  // Consistency level for lightweight transactions(LWT). Allowed values of SERIAL and LOCAL_SERIAL.
            defaultIdempotence = false          // Settings of idempotency value for queries
    advanced {                                  // Advanced settings
        sessionLeak.threshold = 4               // Maximum number of active sessions
        connection {
            connectTimeout = "10s"              // Connection timeout
            initQueryTimeout = "10s"            // Request initialization timeout
            setKeyspaceTimeout = "10s"          // Keyspace setting timeout
            maxRequestsPerConnection = 1024     // Limiting requests per connection
            maxOrphanRequests = 256             // The maximum number of "orphaned" requests, i.e., those for which a response has ceased to be expected for one reason or another.
            warnOnInitError = true              // Output initialization errors to the log
            pool {                              // Pool Settings
                localSize = 10 
                remoteSize = 10 
        reconnectOnInit = false             // Retry initialization if all nodes specified in contactpoints did not respond at the first attempt
        reconnectionPolicy {                // Reconnect Policy - Base and Maximum Delay. By default, the first value is used when an attempt fails, then doubles with each subsequent attempt until it reaches the maximum value
            baseDelay = "1s" 
            maxDelay = "60s"

        sslEngineFactory {
            cipherSuites = [ "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" ] 
            hostnameValidation = true                       // Host name validation
            keystorePath = "/path/to/client.keystore"       // Path to the key vault
            keystorePassword = "password"                   // The password to the key vault
            truststorePath = "/path/to/client.truststore"   // Path to trusted storage
            truststorePassword = "password"                 // Trusted storage password

        timestampGenerator {                    // A generator that adds a timestamp to each request. AtomicTimestampGenerator is used by default
            forceJavaClock = false              // Forced to use Java system clock
            driftWarning.threshold = "1s"       // Indicates how far into the future timestamps can "run away" under high loads
            driftWarning.interval = "10s"       // Interval for logging warnings if timestamps continue to "run" forward.

        protocol {
            version = "V4"                  // Cassandra protocol version
            compression = "lz4"             // Compression
            maxFrameLength = 268435456      // Maximum frame length in bytes
        request {
            warnIfSetKeyspace = true        // Log a warning that keyspace is being set in a query
            trace {                         // Settings of the built-in query tracing mechanism
                attempts = 5                // Number of attempts
                interval = "1ms"            // Interval between attempts
                consistency = "ONE"         // Consistency level
            logWarnings = true
        metrics {                           // session-level metrics, with all metrics turned off by default
            node.enabled = []               // List of enabled metrics. Included: bytes-sent, connected-nodes, cql-requests, cql-client-timeouts, cql-prepared-cache-size, throttling.delay, throttling.errors, continuous-cql-requests
            session.enabled = [] 
            publishPercentileHistogram = false  // whether to publish persentils in metrics within min/max along with SLOs
            node.cqlMessages {              // Additional customizations for metrics if needed:
                lowestLatency = "1ms"
                highestLatency = "90s"
                significantDigits = 1
                slo = [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ]
            session.cqlRequests {
                lowestLatency = "1ms"
                highestLatency = "90s"
                significantDigits = 1
                slo = [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ]
            session.throttlingDelay {
                lowestLatency = "1ms"
                highestLatency = "90s"
                significantDigits = 1
                slo = [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ]
        socket {
            tcpNoDelay = true           // Flag to disable Nagle algorithm, by default true(off), because the driver has its own message coalescing algorithm.
            keepAlive = false 
            reuseAddress = true         // Allow the address to be reused
            lingerInterval = 0
            receiveBufferSize = 65535
            sendBufferSize = 65535
        heartbeat {
            interval = "30s"
            timeout = "2m"
        metadata {                      // Settings responsible for schema metadata
            schema {
                enabled = true 
                requestTimeout = "20s"
                requestPageSize = 20
                refreshedKeyspaces = [ "ks1", "ks2" ] 
                debouncer.window = "1s"     // The amount of time the driver waits before applying the update
                debouncer.maxEvents = 20    // Maximum number of updates that can be accumulated
            topologyEventDebouncer.window = "1s"    // A window for sending the event.
            topologyEventDebouncer.maxEvents = 20   // Maximum number of events in a bundle
            tokenMapEnabled = true 
        controlConnection {
            timeout = "10s"
            schemaAgreement {
                interval = 200ms 
                timeout = "10s"
                warnOnFailure = true 
        preparedStatements {
            prepareOnAllNodes = true        // Execute query preparation on all nodes after its successful execution on one node.
            reprepareOnUp {
                enabled = true              // Prepare queries for new nodes
                checkSystemTable = false    // Check if there is a prepare statement in system.prepared_statements node before preparation
                maxStatements = 0           // Maximum number of requests that can be retrained
                maxParallelism = 100        // Maximum number of competitive requests
                timeout = 20s
            preparedCache.weakValues = false 
        netty {                         // Netty event loop settings used in the driver
            ioGroup.size = 0            // Number of tracks
            ioGroup.shutdown {          // Graceful shutdown settings
                quietPeriod = 2 
                timeout = 15 
                unit = "SECONDS"
            adminGroup.size = 2         // Event loop group used only for admin tasks not related to IO
            adminGroup.shutdown {
                quietPeriod = 2 
                timeout = 15 
                unit = "SECONDS"
            timer.tickDuration = "100ms"  // Settings for how often the timer should wake up to check for overdue tasks
            timer.ticksPerWheel = 2048 
            daemon = false 
        coalescer.rescheduleInterval = "10ms"
        resolveContactPoints = false 
    profiles {          // Settings overridden in the profile
        someProfile {
            basic {
                // basic.request.timeout
                // basic.request.consistency
            advanced {
                // advanced.request.trace.consistency
                // advanced.request.trace.attempts
    telemetry {
        logging {
            enabled = false 
        metrics {
            enabled = true
            slo = [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ]
        tracing {
            enabled = true
  advanced:                             # Advanced settings
      rescheduleInterval: "10ms"
      connectTimeout: "10s"             # Connection timeout
      initQueryTimeout: "10s"           # Request initialization timeout
      setKeyspaceTimeout: "10s"         # Keyspace setting timeout
      maxOrphanRequests: 256            # The maximum number of "orphaned" requests, i.e., those for which a response has ceased to be expected for one reason or another.
      maxRequestsPerConnection: 1024    # Limiting requests per connection
      pool:                             # Pool Settings. 
        localSize: 10
        remoteSize: 10
      warnOnInitError: true             # Output initialization errors to the log
        interval: "200ms"
        timeout: "10s"
        warnOnFailure: true
      timeout: "10s"
      interval: "30s"
      timeout: "2m"
    metadata:               # Settings responsible for schema metadata
          maxEvents: 20     # Maximum number of updates that can be accumulated
          window: "1s"      # The amount of time the driver waits before applying the update
        enabled: true
          - ks1
          - ks2
        requestPageSize: 10
        requestTimeout: "20s"
        tokenMapEnabled: true
          maxEvents: 20     # Maximum number of events in a bundle
          window: "1s"      # A window for sending the event.
        publishPercentileHistogram: false  # whether to publish persentils in metrics within min/max along with SLOs
          enabled: []           # List of enabled metrics. Included: bytes-sent, connected-nodes, cql-requests, cql-client-timeouts, cql-prepared-cache-size, throttling.delay, throttling.errors, continuous-cql-requests
          cqlMessages:          # Additional customizations for metrics if needed:
            lowestLatency: "1ms"
            highestLatency: "90s"
            significantDigits: 1
            slo: [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ]
        session:                # session-level metrics, with all metrics turned off by default
          enabled: []           # List of enabled metrics. Included: bytes-sent, connected-nodes, cql-requests, cql-client-timeouts, cql-prepared-cache-size, throttling.delay, throttling.errors, continuous-cql-requests
            lowestLatency: "1ms"
            highestLatency: "90s"
            significantDigits: 1
            slo: [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ]
            lowestLatency: "1ms"
            highestLatency: "90s"
            significantDigits: 1
            slo: [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ]
      netty:                        # Netty event loop settings used in the driver
        adminGroup:                 # Event loop group used only for admin tasks not related to IO
            quietPeriod: 2
            timeout: 15
            unit: SECONDS
          size: 2
        daemon: false
          shutdown:                 # Graceful shutdown settings
            quietPeriod: 2
            timeout: 15
            unit: SECONDS
          size: 0                   # Number of tracks
          tickDuration: "100ms"     # Settings for how often the timer should wake up to check for overdue tasks
          ticksPerWheel: 2048
        prepareOnAllNodes: true     # Execute query preparation on all nodes after its successful execution on one node.
          weakValues: false
          enabled: true             # Prepare queries for new nodes
          checkSystemTable: false   # Check if there is a prepare statement in system.prepared_statements node before preparation
          maxParallelism: 100       # Maximum number of competitive requests
          maxStatements: 0          # Maximum number of requests that can be retrained
          timeout: "20s"
        compression: "lz4"            # Compression
        maxFrameLength: 268435456   # Maximum frame length in bytes
        version: "V4"                 # Cassandra protocol version
      reconnectOnInit: false        # Retry initialization if all nodes specified in contactpoints did not respond at the first attempt
      reconnectionPolicy:           # Reconnect Policy - Base and Maximum Delay. By default, the first value is used when an attempt fails, then doubles with each subsequent attempt until it reaches the maximum value
        baseDelay: "1s"
        maxDelay: "60s"
        logWarnings: true
          attempts: 5               # Number of attempts
          consistency: ONE          # Consistency level
          interval: "1ms"           # Interval between attempts
        warnIfSetKeyspace: true     # Log a warning that keyspace is being set in a query
      resolveContactPoints: false
        threshold: 4
        keepAlive: false
        lingerInterval: 0
        receiveBufferSize: 65535
        reuseAddress: true          # Allow the address to be reused
        sendBufferSize: 65535
        tcpNoDelay: true            # Flag to disable Nagle algorithm, by default true(off), because the driver has its own message coalescing algorithm.
          - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
          - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
        hostnameValidation: true                        # Host name validation
        keystorePassword: "password"                    # The password to the key vault
        keystorePath: "/path/to/client.keystore"        # Path to the key vault
        truststorePassword: "password"                  # Trusted storage password
        truststorePath: "/path/to/client.truststore"    # Path to trusted storage
      timestampGenerator:       # A generator that adds a timestamp to each request. AtomicTimestampGenerator is used by default
          interval: "10s"       # Interval for logging warnings if timestamps continue to "run" forward.
          threshold: "1s"       # Indicates how far into the future timestamps can "run away" under high loads
        forceJavaClock: false   # Forced to use Java system clock
      login: "username"
      password: "password"
        secureConnectBundle: "/location/of/secure/connect/bundle"
        - ""
        - ""
      dc: datacenter1
        slowReplicaAvoidance: true
        consistency: LOCAL_ONE
        defaultIdempotence: false
        pageSize: 5000
        serialConsistency: LOCAL_SERIAL
        timeout: "5s"
      sessionKeyspace: "test-db"
      sessionName: "some-session-name"
    profiles:       # Settings overridden in the profile
      enabled: false
      enabled: true
      slo: [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ]
      enabled: true


public interface EntityRepository extends CassandraRepository { }
interface EntityRepository : CassandraRepository


It is possible to override common settings with private settings from a profile, suppose there is such a profile configuration someProfile:

cassandra {
    profiles {
        someProfile {
            basic.request.timeout = "10s"
          timeout: "10s"

In order to apply the settings from the someProfile profile, just do the following:

public interface EntityRepository extends CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, value FROM test_table WHERE id = :id allow filtering")
    Entity findById(String id);
interface EntityRepository : CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, value FROM test_table WHERE id = :id allow filtering")
    fun findById(id: String): Entity?

The settings specified in the profile will be applied to each request, specifically in this case - a timeout of 10s will be set.


It is possible to override the mapping of different parts of entity and query parameters, Kora provides special interfaces for this.


If you need to convert the result manually, it is suggested to use CassandraResultSetMapper:

final class ResultMapper implements CassandraResultSetMapper<UUID> {

    public UUID apply(ResultSet rows) {
        // mapping code

public interface EntityRepository extends CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    List<UUID> getIds();

In Kotlin, you only need to write mappers for T? types, so the type is specified as @Nullable in the interfaces.

class ResultMapper : CassandraResultSetMapper<UUID> {
    override fun apply(rows: ResultSet): UUID {
        // mapping code

interface EntityRepository : CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    fun getIds(): List<UUID>


If you need to convert the string manually, it is suggested to use CassandraRowMapper:

final class RowMapper implements CassandraRowMapper<UUID> {

    public UUID apply(Row row) {
        return UUID.fromString(rs.getString(0));

public interface EntityRepository extends CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    List<UUID> findAll();

In Kotlin, you only need to write mappers for T? types, so the type is specified as @Nullable in the interfaces.

class RowMapper : CassandraRowMapper<UUID> {

    override fun apply(row: Row): UUID {
        return UUID.fromString(rs.getString(0))

interface EntityRepository : CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    fun findAll(): List<UUID>


If you need to convert the column value manually, it is suggested to use the CassandraRowColumnMapper:

public final class ColumnMapper implements CassandraRowColumnMapper<UUID> {

    public UUID apply(GettableByName row, int index) {
        return UUID.fromString(row.getString(index));

public record Entity(@Mapping(ColumnMapper.class) @Id UUID id, String name) { }

public interface EntityRepository extends CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities")
    List<Entity> findAll();

In Kotlin, you only need to write mappers for T? types, so the type is specified as @Nullable in the interfaces.

class ColumnMapper : CassandraRowColumnMapper<UUID> {

    override fun apply(row: GettableByName, index: Int): UUID {
        return UUID.fromString(row.getString(index))

data class Entity(
    @Id @Mapping(ColumnMapper::class) val id: UUID,
    val name: String

interface EntityRepository : CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities")
    fun findAll(): List<Entity>


If you want to convert the value of a query parameter manually, it is suggested to use CassandraParameterColumnMapper:

public final class ParameterMapper implements CassandraParameterColumnMapper<UUID> {

    public void set(SettableByName<?> stmt, int index, @Nullable UUID value) {
        if (value != null) {
            stmt.setString(index, value.toString());

public interface EntityRepository extends CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities WHERE id = :id")
    List<Entity> findById(@Mapping(ParameterMapper.class) UUID id);

In Kotlin, you only need to write mappers for T? types, so the type is specified as @Nullable in the interfaces.

class ParameterMapper : CassandraParameterColumnMapper<UUID?> {

    override fun set(stmt: SettableByName<*>, index: Int, value: UUID?) {
        if (value != null) {
            stmt.setString(index, value.toString())

interface EntityRepository : CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id, name FROM entities WHERE id = :id")
    fun findById(@Mapping(ParameterMapper::class) id: UUID): List<Entity>


Due to the nature of the helper class for extracting data from AsyncResultSet for asynchronous queries (Mono or Suspend), only CassandraReactiveResultSetMapper can be used:

final class AsyncResultMapper implements CassandraReactiveResultSetMapper<UUID, Flux<UUID>> {

    public UUID apply(ResultSet rows) {
        return Flux.from(rows).map(r -> UUID.fromString(r.getString(0)));

public interface EntityRepository extends CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    Flux<UUID> getIds();
class AsyncResultMapper : CassandraReactiveResultSetMapper<UUID, Flux<UUID>> {
    override fun apply(rows: ReactiveResultSet): Flux<UUID> {
        return Flux.from(rows).map { r -> UUID.fromString(r.getString(0)) }

interface EntityRepository : CassandraRepository {

    @Query("SELECT id FROM entities")
    fun getIds(): Flux<UUID>


There is support for UDT types using the @UDT annotation:

public record Entity(String id, Name name) {

    public record Name(String first, String middle, String last) { }
data class Entity(val id: String, val name: Name) {

    data class Name(val first: String, val middle: String, val last: String)


Available signatures for repository methods out of the box:

The T refers to the type of the return value, either List<T> or Void.

By T we mean the type of the return value, either T?, either List<T>, or Unit.