Kora облачно ориентированный серверный фреймворк написанный на Java для написания Java / Kotlin приложений с упором на производительность, эффективность, прозрачность сделанный разработчиками Т-Банк / Тинькофф

Kora is a cloud-oriented server-side Java framework for writing Java / Kotlin applications with a focus on performance, efficiency and transparency made by T-Bank / Tinkoff developers

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Camunda REST

??? warning “Experimental module”

**Experimental** module is fully working and tested, but requires additional approbation and usage analytics, 
for this reason, API may potentially undergo minor changes before fully stable.

Module to add REST API for Camunda 7 BPMN module


Dependency build.gradle:

implementation "ru.tinkoff.kora.experimental:camunda-rest-undertow"


public interface Application extends CamundaRestUndertowModule { }

Dependency build.gradle.kts:



interface Application : CamundaRestUndertowModule

Requires Camunda BPMN module to be added.


Example of the complete configuration described in the CamundaRestConfig class (example values or default values are specified):

camunda {
    rest {
        enabled = false //(1)!
        path = "/engine-rest" //(2)!
        port = 8081 //(3)!
        shutdownWait = "30s" //(4)!
        openapi {
            file = [ "openapi.json" ] //(5)!
            enabled = false  //(6)!
            endpoint = "/openapi" //(7)!
            swaggerui {
                enabled = false //(8)!
                endpoint = "/swagger-ui" //(9)!
            rapidoc {
                enabled = false //(10)!
                endpoint = "/rapidoc" //(11)!
        telemetry {
            logging {
                enabled = false //(12)!
                stacktrace = true //(13)!
                mask = "***" //(14)!
                maskQueries = [ ] //(15)!
                maskHeaders = [ "authorization" ] //(16)!
                pathTemplate = true //(17)!
            metrics {
                enabled = true //(18)!
                slo = [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ] //(19)!
            tracing {
                enabled = true //(20)!
  1. Enable/disable REST API
  2. Prefix path to REST API
  3. Port on which the REST API server will be started
  4. Maximum time to wait for the server to complete after receiving a floating termination signal
  5. Relative path to OpenAPI files in the resources directory, default is the openapi.json OpenAPI file from Camunda dependencies
  6. The on/off switch of the controller that gives the OpenAPI
  7. Path where OpenAPI will be available
    1. If a single OpenAPI file is specified, then represent entire path where file is available
    2. If multiple OpenAPI files are specified, is a path prefix to the file name /openapi/{fileName}, taking the specified path and appending the file name to it without the directories and its extension, example of the file someDirectory/my-openapi-1.yaml the file path will be /openapi/my-openapi-1.
  8. On/Off of the controller that gives SwaggerUI
  9. Path where the SwaggerUI will be accessed
  10. On/Off of the controller that gives Rapidoc
  11. Path where Rapidoc will be available
  12. Enables module logging (default false)
  13. Enables call stack logging in case of exception
  14. Mask that is used to hide specified headers and request/response parameters
  15. List of request parameters to be hidden
  16. List of request/response headers that should be hidden
  17. Whether to always use the request path template when logging. The default is to always use the path template, except for the TRACE logging level, which uses the full path.
  18. Enables module metrics (default true)
  19. Configures SLO for DistributionSummary metrics
  20. Enables module tracing (default is true)
    enabled: false #(1)!
    path: "/engine-rest" #(2)!
    port: 8081 #(3)!
    shutdownWait: "30s" #(4)!
      file: [ "openapi.json" ] #(5)!
      enabled: false  #(6)!
      endpoint: "/openapi" #(7)!
        enabled: false #(8)!
        endpoint: "/swagger-ui" #(9)!
        enabled: false #(10)!
        endpoint: "/rapidoc" #(11)!
        enabled: false #(12)!
        stacktrace: true #(13)!
        mask: "***" #(14)!
        maskQueries: [ ] #(15)!
        maskHeaders: [ "authorization" ] #(16)!
        pathTemplate: true #(17)!
        enabled: true #(18)!
        slo: [ 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 60000, 90000 ] #(19)!
        enabled: true #(20)!
  1. Enable/disable REST API
  2. Prefix path to REST API
  3. Port on which the REST API server will be started
  4. Maximum time to wait for the server to complete after receiving a floating termination signal
  5. Relative path to OpenAPI files in the resources directory, default is the openapi.json OpenAPI file from Camunda dependencies
  6. The on/off switch of the controller that gives the OpenAPI
  7. Path where OpenAPI will be available
    1. If a single OpenAPI file is specified, then represent entire path where file is available
    2. If multiple OpenAPI files are specified, is a path prefix to the file name /openapi/{fileName}, taking the specified path and appending the file name to it without the directories and its extension, example of the file someDirectory/my-openapi-1.yaml the file path will be /openapi/my-openapi-1.
  8. On/Off of the controller that gives SwaggerUI
  9. Path where the SwaggerUI will be accessed
  10. On/Off of the controller that gives Rapidoc
  11. Path where Rapidoc will be available
  12. Enables module logging (default false)
  13. Enables call stack logging in case of exception
  14. Mask that is used to hide specified headers and request/response parameters
  15. List of request parameters to be hidden
  16. List of request/response headers that should be hidden
  17. Whether to always use the request path template when logging. The default is to always use the path template, except for the TRACE logging level, which uses the full path.
  18. Enables module metrics (default true)
  19. Configures SLO for DistributionSummary metrics
  20. Enables module tracing (default is true)


You can register custom jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application with resources for APIs (e.g. for other webapp) by providing them as components in a dependency container.